I look at all advertising, all striving, all desire and basically it comes down to a few things, right? I mean what I really want is fulfillment. I watch people around me and I think that's what they're going after, too.
Granted, we all have weird ways of going after this. This morning, I've already grouched, tried to control David, been distracted, scrambled to hide my laziness...yuck. But I think I'm doing all of those things because what I really want is goodness. I'm just looking for it wrong. I cannot--obviously--fulfill myself. Believing that I can is believing deception.
When it comes right down to it we want goodness:
a revived soul,
steady wisdom for the simple,
a rejoicing heart,
enlightened eyes,
something eternally purposeful,
something entirely right,
something of high, high, highest value,
something sweet and delicious.
I held it in my own hands this morning! I held this book, the instruction, God's story and ways. And he promises that his word to us is all of these things:reviving for the soul, steady wisdom,
joy for the heart, eyes that really see, purpose,
rightness, value, riches!
YES!!!! That is what I want!!Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in your sight,
O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
from Psalm 19