15 March 2008

missions conference

This week is missions conference at Grace Bible Church in Arroyo Grande, CA. This is where I grew up and it's a little strange to be back here as a "visiting missionary." I remember meeting Dale & Arvalee Palmer, Joanne Shetler and other heros during missions conferences when I was younger. Spending time with them, looking at their maps and pictures and hearing their stories had a significant impact on my interest in bringing the gospel to the whole world.

It's been a busy, encouraging, fun and tiring week. One of the highlights was getting to share at the Coffee Break Women's Brunch with Natalie. :) She's another of my other missionary heros--as well as my very dear friend and sister--and we got to speak together!

So, Natalie, tell us about Bano Boy...

Ha! It was wonderful!


Mišo said...

I miss you sister

Natalie said...

Hi Anna! That day goes down in my history book as one of my favorites spent with you. I miss you dear friend.