21 September 2008

pogrešam te (I meant te in množina...but how do you say that again?)

These are some of my best friends in the whole wide world, some people who are real family to me. I spent a few hours missing them today. And they're not the only ones I've been missing.

15 September 2008

faced steadily

Our soul's history with God is frequently the history of the "passing of the hero." Over and over again God has to remove our friends in order to bring Himself into their place, and that is where we faint and fail and get discouraged. Take it personally: In the year that the one who stood to me for all that God was, died--I gave up everything? I became ill? I got disheartened? Or--I saw the Lord?

It must be God first, God second, and God third, until the life is faced steadily with God ... Keep paying the price.

(Oswald Chambers)

07 September 2008

to remember

At the beginning of last spring, I went to the lake and sat for awhile. In the midst of life, it's easy to lose track and keep moving and go, go, go and then suddenly realize that I've forgotten core, key, lovely, true things. I guess this is a time like that for me. I'm not busy. I'm not bored. I'm not home. But I am home. Huh? I'm in between. In between what?
we'll see...
So, for today, these are some things I'm remembering.

(If you click on the picture, it'll get bigger and you can actually read it.)