15 September 2008

faced steadily

Our soul's history with God is frequently the history of the "passing of the hero." Over and over again God has to remove our friends in order to bring Himself into their place, and that is where we faint and fail and get discouraged. Take it personally: In the year that the one who stood to me for all that God was, died--I gave up everything? I became ill? I got disheartened? Or--I saw the Lord?

It must be God first, God second, and God third, until the life is faced steadily with God ... Keep paying the price.

(Oswald Chambers)

1 comment:

C and G said...

so for some reason i can't find your e-mail address . . . even though i've e-mailed you seeral times in the last few months.

so e-mail me and i'll "invite" you to be a reader of J's blogg. then you won't have to feel sneaky :)

thanks for a little O.C. refreshing.