19 September 2010

portland and books

I had some birthday money and I finally decided what I wanted. A copy of The Message and one of my all-time favorite books, The Wise Woman by George MacDonald. Ever read it? I love it. One of the only books that I look forward to reading again every few years.


Liz said...

So how did you do that?!
p.s. I like to read that book over again too. Both of them, actually. :) Love you!

Mana said...

I've never read any of them.. I guess I'll have to :)
+ how come your names are up there under the Powell's books? :)

Anna Beth said...

They're doing a promotional thing. I think it's to get people on their email list. They take a picture inside and make it look like we're outside with our names on the store. But pretty impressive, huh?

Momma S said...

hmmm...i would love to know why you like that book? my memory of it is very strange.

beccafredo said...

Love those books and the picture! My sis and I got ours before she left for Okinawa! SO cool!

Claire said...

Powells is awesome!! Miss you Anna!