Yes, we are having a baby. Sometime around June 25th. And kids at school are starting to catch on.
--A first grade girl was staring at me very intently, as I read a story aloud to the class. Finally I called on her. She was rubbing her tummy: ", teacher, it looks like you have something right here. I wonder if you have something right here..... Do you have something in your tummy?"
--Subbing for Mrs. Perrin's fourth grade class, kids were thrilled to brainstorm names for us--Tony Hawk, Jennifer, Abby (the teacher's first name) and Mrs. Perrin all were mentioned. Mrs. Perrin was by far the class top pick for a girl. (Our name ideas are secret, but please be certain that Mrs. Perrin has not made the list.)
--Sweet third grade boy that I taught last year (I was subbing for his teacher yesterday and told the kids I was having a baby): "I was watching you. I thought something was different! Last year you were skinny. This year you're fat." Thank you, buddy! He he!!
--Another dear, special ed girl, who I'd met earlier this school year drew this picture for me yesterday. Nice anatomical details :)
She dropped it off with a thoughtful/confused expression on her face: "Now, Mrs. Burnham, you weren't pregnant last time I saw you...........(very long pause, I shook my head)......... You are pregnant now.............(affirmative, count to 4...5...6...7...).... Weird!" She shook her head and walked out.
Ahhh...I love school :) I love these kids and will really miss them. Gotta soak up the moments.
And on the other hand, we're getting more and more excited to meet this new little Burnham!!!!
What a delightful post! Kids are so fun and so candid. Glad to hear your good news. (Liz may have told me, but I've forgotten if she did.) And glad "Mrs. Perrin" didn't make the list. ;-)
I've been blogging for a couple of months now and may have to explore your site. I'm still very much a newbie.
Wishing you all God's blessings!
Oh man, this is awesome! I love this. I love you!
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