Today is David's last day of work for the state. Woweee!!!! He has been a faithful, whole-hearted worker and will really miss his guys and the staff he's been with for the past five years.
This morning as I prayed, I imagined a big stamp, like a postal stamp, stamping down a seal of approval on lives and hearts. Establishing the work that David has done--the love, hope and truth that he has sown in the lives of the clients and staff.
I love how David sees everyone made in God's image. I am challenged by his patience, forgiveness and persistent kindness. It is a great blessing to hear stories of how people have been honoring his uprightness, his whole-heartedness, his discernment, his leadership and his shepherd's heart as prepares to leave.
Lord, may you establish the work of David's hands.
Reminds me of Haggai 2:23, "On that day, declares the LORD of hosts, I will take you, O David Burnham, my servant, declares the LORD, and make you like a signet ring, for I have chosen you, declares the LORD of hosts."
Yes! God's work is not done among those whom David has served! Lord, may you establish the work of David's hands.
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