02 September 2007

600€ is about $825

So, apparently, in Slovenia reading a map while driving is against the law.

Tickets: 600€.

I'm still not sure if it's coming in the mail or if I got a stern warning.

Uhhh....live and learn??


BK said...

uuggghhh!! i sure hope that it's a stern warning!!! =)
I hope you are doing well Anna!! Bri

Ian said...

Well... i got pulled over for going on the wrong side of the street. ON my bike! I had to go to the court and everything. True story! Crazy slovene laws! Schooling is free though....


C and G said...

Seriously?!? Sigh.

Isn't "Night" a fabulous book??? Mr. Wiesel is in my top 5 favorite authors!

Neja said...

Yup ... see that's why I don't have my drivers licence yet!!!

Mišo said...

I'm sorry to hear that

Urša said...

What?????????????????? Are you serious? That's A LOT. Well if you pay it in 7 days (from when you get it in the mail) you pay just half, I think (actually, I hope).

Krista said...

I thought of you when I read this article...
