24 October 2008

two Brits, one real

Yesterday I thought I saw Harry Potter at Allan Hancock College. I didn't know why he would be there. But--good grief--that kid looked like him.

Naturally, I called Christina. She loves Harry Potter. (It may appear as though I love him...he has been in THREE of my posts. But I've only ever mentioned him in relation to Christina. I just want to be clear about that.)

I told Christina. In reply, she said she'd seen the Queen. "What queen?" I asked.

"The Queen. The Queen of England."

That's interesting.


steps said...

YOU are interesting. Remember what Grandma said?

Anonymous said...

The real question is: Would you be more excited to see Harry Potter or the Queen of England?


christinastanton said...

Whatever say what you will, but you love Harry Potter too! http://christinainslovenia.blogspot.com/2007/07/we-needed-break.html The proof is in the pudding my friend. Hehehe, Ive always wanted to say that. Wish you could have gone Queen Stalking with me. It sure was fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Allen Hancock College! I can say I have NEVER heard that college mentioned outside of my high school pack! I went to AHC 2 years after high school (with the pack). Only we called it Allen Handout College. We were the miffed, unfortunate ones who could not afford to attend a 4 year university.

All to say, I have good memories from AHC and I really did learn somethings there.

I had no idea you left JV until Kelsey told me after kids camp? Sniff.

So what are you doing now besides Harry Potter sitings and jury selection?
