17 January 2010

thirteen days

It's only thirteen days until we get married. I think about our wedding and being married and the giant-ness (and ordinary-ness) of the transition all of the time. However, I must admit, a large part of me is looking forward to the day when each conversation doesn't begin with "How many days?" or "How's the planning?" or "Where are you registered?" (I was initially confused...registered to vote?) It can feel like a tenuous balance--to do the work of the preparations, to enjoy being in this process and to continue living in the real world all at the once.Overall, my prayer is that David and I would be true and whole-hearted worshipers of God.


Laura said...

Hi Anna, I have some time tonight at home alone and "happened" upon your blog while reading other JVers blogs... I had NO idea you were engaged!! Nor, did I even know anything about this David man! I guess I shouldn't since we're not really in touch at all... but, I just want to say how very happy I am for you. Seems like a wonderful man and no doubt, I'll be asking Lori and others more about you all! So happy for you and may God deeply enjoy your unity!! Laura Hash

Trisha said...

oh great picture!!!!
we are sending mateja with our hugs and cheers! Congrats on the big day and on the next 60 years!! Enjoy it all. =)

Serious Moms said...

I love this pic, it's adorable! Soooo excited for you both! :)

Libby said...

Yay! You look so beautiful and happy! God bless you two! We love you.