10 June 2008


I firmly believe that everyone should have a good chicken story.

Just to give a little context before I tell what happened:
This is our living room. It's nice, normal, cute and not a farm house. I live in an apartment. Downtown. There aren't chickens in downtown Ljubljana.Živa and I were deep in conversation. We started hearing chicken noises. (Bawking, bocking, bwaking... How do you spell that?!?) We have unpredictable neighbors. So, I predicted that there was just a little more alcohol and a little more craziness than usual. The people were loud. I shut the window. We kept talking.

And then, there was flapping, clucking and a chicken outside of my window! Yikes!!!!
I didn't believe that there was an actual chicken in our building until I saw that animal. But that rooster was very real. The only way the neighbor boy could get his chicken was to climb through our window, out onto the roof, snatch the chicken, jump back in through the window onto the couch. Then he shoved the rooster in my face to scare me. Oh my...

The next morning, I woke up to a good, early crow. Haven't heard that in awhile. I felt right at home. The rooster lived on their balcony for a few days.

Then I ran into my neighbor in the hall. He said his dad had butchered it. It was tasty.



christinastanton said...

The text message you sent me that day read like the following: "We just had a live rooster in our living room. No one was harmed." I agree, everyone should have a good chicken story.

Živa said...

Uh I think this experience was a lot more traumatic for me than the drive to Piran.Noooo farm life for me!

Sarah said...

what the? so wierd. i wonder if i will ever have a good chicken story?!

can't wait to talk soon!

Ian said...

Anna this one is a classic.

Mišo said...

that's a funny story =)

sashwee said...

This is at least the second chicken story I've heard from you. The other one was about a child coming around the corner of a house carrying a chicken. And was there another one too?

Matt & Sharon Mormance said...

How funny - our chicken story happened about two weeks ago. Like you we live in the middle of the center of a major city - not really the place where you hear roosters. But one morning we woke up early to the bawking of the rooster in the parking lot behind our building. (I wasn't too excited about being woken up early :-) He sounded pretty happy and confident - for about an hour. Then a cat started chasing him and his bawking sounded a lot different. For about two days we heard him getting chased. And then we didn't hear him any more - it was a sad day. S

LarissaDeHart said...

I'm proud to be a part of your first chicken story. We have 3 right now that miss you and can't wait to see you again. Tavin has his own chicken story where the rooster attacked his little 1 year old face and scratched him all up. His dad immediately stalked to the house, got his gun, and without a word, ended that rooster's life. We didn't eat him. Larissa

beccafredo said...

All I can say is....wow...that's crazy...and, I can't believe no one told me everyone's gotta have a chicken story before...I've gotta start looking for mine! =)