12 April 2013

treasured friendship

I am thankful for Christina--that God picked us to be friends. How weird. We sure wouldn't have picked each other, but her friendship sure makes my life richer. Who would've known. Our style, our personalities, the things we're excited about are pretty different. But at the same time, our experiences, our loves, our dreams are pretty similar. I think because we're different we can see things that the other person misses. I think because we've been made to be close for so long we have a friendship that now has a lot of ease and stability. I think because we both love Jesus we tell each other true things. I think because we both love Jesus we have learned to forgive each other and enjoy grace through the other.

(I'm pretty sure that in the picture Sophia's trying to figure out why Christina's hair is blonde.)

Next week Christina is joining David, Sophia and I on a special trip. I am thrilled and blessed and thankful to have a friend like her who sees and shares and gives wholeheartedly and joins and spends herself to love us deeply. David is, too. Plus she's funny and she likes Sophia's pink clothes.

And a little special treat from many years ago--

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