13 December 2006

babysitting in zagreb

Surprise! (even for me)

A few of our teammembers down in Croatia needed babysitters. Their kids had school, so Christina and I rushed down and took over.

I wasn't too excited about it before we got there, but we had a ton of fun. Not only did I get to be Mary Poppins, but I got to use my bossy skills. And I forgot how much I like playing! Daily dance parties, games, no baths, candy rewards, big imaginations. Connor, Brenden, and Christina are great JV Kids.

See you at camp!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Oh..., I'm a bit envious of you two. I wish I had the chance to see them, too. Those kiddos are so fun!

Maybe someday...hopefully sooner!

I miss you, Anna!